Monday, June 24, 2013

Art in general

          I have heard a lot of people critique art as it is, only seeing the surface and not going deeper into what it truly means. I believe that every art that a person does is beautiful whether it be through photography, painting, drawing, writing etc. It is art. Therefore, it can never be ugly. It may be irrelevant to some, but then, relevance depends on what the person's situation may be or his/her capacity to imagine and dwell into things.  There are people who see things objectively and those people will never get it. It is just what it is. Nothing more. For them art is simply a drawing, a photograph, words, sentences; But then for some it is their voice that cannot be mounted, their way to travel without leaving their homes, their cries on how they enjoy life or simply, their masterpiece. Art is art, and I think every person has the right to express.

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